Survivorship After Cancer

Survivorship after cancer is a significant phase, focusing on life after treatment. It involves physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, making it essential for long-term health. 

Survivors often experience fatigue, pain, or other physical effects. Managing these symptoms with rehabilitation or lifestyle changes is crucial to restore overall health and function.

Physical Recovery

Cancer survivors may face anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Addressing mental health through therapy, counseling, or support groups is vital for emotional well-being and resilience.

Mental Health

Follow-up Care

Regular check-ups and screenings are necessary for detecting recurrence or managing late effects of cancer treatment. Survivors should adhere to their doctor's follow-up care plan.

A balanced diet can help in recovery and reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. Nutrition counseling can support survivors in rebuilding strength and promoting overall wellness.

Diet and Nutrition 

Engaging in regular physical activity helps survivors regain energy, reduce stress, and improve overall health. Exercise programs tailored to individual needs are essential for recovery.

Physical Activity

Having a strong network of family, friends, or cancer support groups provides emotional comfort and encouragement, helping survivors navigate life post-treatment with strength and confidence.

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Social Support 

Cancer treatment can create financial burdens. Survivors may need to explore options like insurance, financial counseling, or charity programs to manage costs and maintain stability.

Financial Concerns 

Cancer survivorship involves holistic care for physical, emotional, and social health. With ongoing support, survivors can lead fulfilling, healthy lives post-treatment.

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ADDRESS: #13, East Spurtank Road,  Chetpet, Chennai. +91 044 4600 8000, +91 99622 42000